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Living Out Loud

At Jamores Homes we want our young people to leave us better than they came. One way we have began to do that is through the Living Out Loud Club. The group’s slogan encourages our young people to share their opinions and to take up space as is their right.

The watch words of the group are “Your choice, Raise your voice”. This group represents the collective voices of the young people in our care. This does not only involve them in the planning of activities they are interested in but also allows them the opportunity to review policies within the organisation and effect the changes they want to see.
Involving youth in policy making and providing them with practical life skills is crucial in shaping a brighter future for society. The valuable perspectives and fresh ideas that young people bring to the table can contribute greatly to creating effective policies that address the needs and aspirations of future generations.

Incorporating youth in policy review is important as it enhances the democratic process by ensuring diverse representation. Failure to include them in the process of policy making and review can lead to the implementation of processes that overlook their needs and priorities as theirs would differ from that of older generations.
Moreover quipping young people with practical life skills such as understanding the democratic process ensure their personal development and prepares them to navigate the complexities of adulthood sucessfully.
While traditional education equips individuals with academic knowledge, practical life skills such as critical thinking, problem solving, financial literacy communication, and

leadership skills are equally essential. These skills enable young people to adapt, thrive, and contribute meaningfully to various spheres in life, including their personal relationships, work places, and as an active member of their communities.
As having served as president of two youth councils I have a unique perspective that allows me to see the way being involved in ventures such as this one can seriously change the trajectory of your life and allow you to stand out among the masses. The skill set acquired in this process has proven to be valuable not only to myself but to various employers.
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Jamores Homes,
Studio 52,
The Engine House (formerly Thames Innovation Centre),
2 Veridion Way,
DA18 4AL.